Everyone has to start somewhere in this wonderful hobby. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a beginners guide video series, located right here!
All of our sabers have the ability to change the LED/Blade colours on the fly. This means you can literally change your saber blade colour from the saber function button. Please refer to the instruction cards, or our instruction guide here https://aussabers.com.au/instructions/ to learn how!
Each installed saber comes with:
-A blade (you can choose the length from the drop down menu on the product page when you’re buying),
-Grub screws to secure the blade
-An allen wrench for the screws
-An instruction manual/online link to instructions
-USB charge cable or external battery charger (not a DC adaptor)
-Xeno/Xeno3Pixel installed sabers also include a micro SD/usb adaptor for reading the installed SD card on a PC/Mac
Please note we do not provide a DC adaptor for charging – though many mobile chargers can be used for this.
Ensure that the DC adaptor you use is rated at an output of 5V only, with an amperage output no higher than 2A. Failure to use the correct DC adaptor will damage your saber AND VOID YOUR WARRANTY!
Many of the AusSabers Armoury hilts are duel worthy, but it pays to be aware of the differences between baselit installation options (EcoSwing or Xeno3 RGB) and ‘pixel installation options (Xeno/Xeno3Pixel or Proffieboard installs)
Proffieboard is an incredibly advanced control system which can give you an amazingly accurate looking and sounding saber, but we do not suggest dueling with Proffieboard based sabers. Nor do we suggest dueling with the older Xeno, or newer Xeno3Pixel installed sabers.
Why is that?
Simply, because we feel that these boards and the ‘pixel blades (and the way they connect to the electronics inside the hilt) are not suited to a heavy impact situation. There are more things that can break on them (256 LEDs in the blade creates a lot of potential points for impact breakage)
On the other hand, the Xeno3 RGB (or older EcoSwing) based sabers are generally much better suited to repeated and heavy impacts. The blades do not contain LEDs like the ‘Pixel style blades do (the LED is inside the hilt), and the electronics are far simpler – although they do still make your saber look and sound awesome.
In essence, if you want to duel, keep it simple. Simple install, simple hilt. Avoid thin necks, avoid lots of “bits” sticking out of the saber. Avoid sharper edges/pointy parts if you can. As close to a simple tube is best; something like Incendius, Invictus V2, Apprentice V2, Trainflex, Guardian for example is far more suitable than Electris (thin neck, and a control box sticking out), Wanderer (bits sticking out).
One final note on dueling that bears repeating.
DO NOT duel with thin neck sabers. EVER.
We really can’t stress this enough. Thin neck sabers are not strong enough to take the impacts we see with heavy dueling. This can mean at best your saber can break, and at worst someone may get injured.
In addition, although the Incendius Steel version is tough as nails, it is not a dueling hilt. The thing weighs over 1.2kg empty. By the time you install electronics and a blade onto it, you’re looking at well over 1.5kg of impact force being swung around. DO. NOT. DUEL. WITH. THE. STEEL. INCENDIUS.
Please see our link on SABER SAFETY here
Please note this only applies for Eco/Ecoswing/Xeno3RGB and other baselit installed hilts; not pixel blade hilts (for the differences, see above).
A standard grade blade is one with 2mm thick walls. These are the most common type we sell, and are well suited to swinging, spinning and moderately tough dueling.
Heavy grade blades have 3mm thick walls. These are VERY solid and can withstand a lot of force. They are also capable of inflicting serious damage if mishandled, and it is strongly recommended that you take care when using. Heavy grade blades do have slightly less light transference.
Absolutely. We offer a full year warranty on electronic components – including those built into a saber, as well as PCBs, neopixel connectors, electronic kits and neopixel blades. For a closer look at our policy, click here
Please reach out to us if you have any issues or concerns about a product you’ve purchased from us.
This depends on the hilt, but generally they are made almost entirely from aircraft grade aluminium.
We also have a steel hilt, our very own design – The Incendius Steel Edition. VERY heavy, and tough beyond words. If it’s too heavy for you, we do have an aluminium version as well!
In addition, all of our sabers use polycarbonate for the blades. A wonderfully tough plastic compound, which is able to take a beating and diffuse light for that authentic blade effect.
Some small parts of our sabers are made from various other elements.
These are different ways the hilt material can be finished in the factory.
Anodizing is the most common way to finish sabers, as it allows us to create hilts in many different colours with a durable, long lasting finish.
Plated hilts are limited to more metallic colours, and are the shiniest of finishes. Plating costs more to do in the factory, and often you’ll find the prices of the hilts reflect this. Depending on the material the hilt is plated with, some plating will tarnish over time.
Polished or raw aluminium is exactly what it sounds like – the material is not chemically treated as is the case with anodizing or plating, and is left bare. Raw aluminium is a great platform to customise, whether it’s chemical etching, painting, powdercoating or other treatments. Raw/polished aluminium can leave black marks on your hands with prolonged contact.
In addition to aluminium hilts, some parts (and some entire hilts) are made of other metals. The most famous in our range is the Incendius Steel – a hilt made entirely of surgical grade stainless steel, polished at the factory. Some other hilts will have brass parts, or even copper. These metals, left uncovered, will naturally tarnish over time to create a natural “weathered” look.
Yes! We only operate within Australia (we are based locally in SE QLD) so we only sell in AUD. We do not currently sell directly overseas, but if you happen to be outside of Australia you can check out Custom Darkwolf Sabers, Vire Sabers, and Sulphur City Sabers to see some of our own unique products!
New to sabers? Check out our handy tips and info videos here!
Choosing the installation version in your saber really comes down to what your intending to use your saber for, and your budget
Think of the installation options on a sliding scale. The lower the cost, the simpler the electronics. The higher the cost, the more advanced, customisable and complex the installations are.
At the lower end, we have Xeno3 RGB. Base lit (LED is inside the hilt and shines up into a hollow blade), pre set sound fonts, and no customisation beyond the presets available on the hilt, aside from the ability to add more sound fonts with a (not included) micro SD. These are cheap, simple and durable sabers.
At the top end we have Proffie and Golden Harvest. Fully customisable, more soundfonts (and the ability to add more), better blade effects and so much more. These are much more expensive, and absolutely should not be duelled with at all. Please note that there is a DISTINCT and STEEP learning curve to learn how to customise Proffie, but there are a lot of resources online that will help guide you on the process (I’m still working on a video series for Proffie myself, but as you’ll see there’s a lot to it so this is going to take some time!)
And in the middle of this scale, we have Xeno3Pixel. Still reasonably cheap, but featuring the same type of pixel blade you find in the higher end boards. You can customise Xeno, but not quite as much as GH or Proffie. It is much simpler to customise and add new sounds too however. Again, you can’t duel with these ones as pixel blades shouldn’t be used for duelling. If you’re looking for a more immersive experience that looks and sounds the part without breaking the bank, Xeno3Pixel (or the older ‘Xeno’) is probably the way to go.
It’s really the “one size fits most” option in our shop.
Ecoswing is the entry level electronics installation option for sabers in our shop. Featuring an RGB colour changing LED inside the hilt, this electronics option has 9 (ecoswing v1) or 12 (ecoswing v2) soundfonts built in. You can select from three built in volume levels (loud, soft, mute), three blade effects (stable, unstable, pulse) and, in the V2 Ecoswing, you even have motion controls for ignition and cycling through soundfonts.
Unlike the Xeno, Proffie and GH options, you cannot add more sounds or bladestyles to EcoSwing hilts – everything that’s built into them is stock standard from the factory, and cannot be altered.
In addition, the LED is located inside the hilt, not the blade – so you won’t get that cool scrolling up/down effect when igniting the blade.
Please note that in 2023, these installation options are slowly being phased out by the updated Xeno3 RGB option (more info below)
So why Ecoswing? Well it’s the simplest electronics install we offer, which makes it a lot more suitable for a budget option. It’s also the only duel ready installation option we offer (though this does depend greatly on the hilt as well). Because the LED is inside the hilt and not a series of strips inside the blade, the blade is hollow -this makes it a much lighter option for spinning around.
If you’re looking for something that is visually and audibly better, check out the XenoPixel, Proffie or GHV3 installed options.
Golden Harvest V3 (GHV3) is one of the top end sound boards available in the market today.
Like Xeno, you can easily add more soundfonts to the already extensive list of them built in, and you can even configure the saber to set a default blade colour, blade effect, blade style and ignition/retraction times to each specific sound font.
GHV3 installed sabers have the LEDs inside the blade as well – two strips of them back to back. These blades are referred to as ‘pixel blades, and feature in Xeno, GHV3 and Proffie installed products in our shop. This means you can get some very fancy blade effects happening, and you will get that awesome scrolling effect for ignition and retraction of the blade.
The blades can change colour, so you can pick almost any colour shade you want. Blade effects are far more extensive on the GHv3, with thousands of potential combinations possible. You can pre configure these in the config files on the SD card, or by using the built in saber editor and colour/blade effect change modes on the fly.
GHV3 features gesture controls, which can be enabled or disabled via the config file. It can even play music tracks.
So why GHV3 instead of Xeno?
There are a few differences. Firstly, GHV3 and Proffie both feature something called “accent swings”. These kick in when you swing the blade in a particular way, and are a special sound that plays over the regular swing to really enhance the immersion. Swing the saber harder or faster than usual, and you’ll hear the regular swing sound but also the accent swing underneath that.
The other main thing with GHV3 is how customisable it is. You have a lot more control over blade effects and styles in GHV3, and it’s reasonably simple to learn how to do it.
Pixel blade compatible sabers (Xeno, GH and Proffie) are not duelling capable however. If you want to duel, stick with simple, basic hilts, with EcoSwing installation only.
Xenopixel (commonly called “Xeno”) is the older mid level installation option in our shop; a really good option for the non dueller who wants something that looks and sounds great, but doesn’t necessarily want the absolute bleeding edge of technology in their saber. Featuring a very similar sound response to smoothswing, the Xeno board sounds very close to how you’d expect a saber to sound.
You can easily add more soundfonts to the already extensive list of them built in, and you can even configure the saber to set a default blade colour, blade effect, blade style and ignition/retraction times to each specific sound font – all from the config file located in the SET folder on the included SD card!
Unlike the Ecoswing option, Xeno installed sabers have the LEDs inside the blade – two strips of them back to back. These blades are referred to as ‘pixel blades, and feature in Xeno, GHV3 and Proffie installed products in our shop. This means you can get some very fancy blade effects happening, and you will get that awesome scrolling effect for ignition and retraction of the blade.
The blades can change colour, so you can pick almost any colour shade you want on the fly. In addition to colour changing, you have several blade effects and styles built in, which includes some special ignition effects, flickering blades, pulsing blades, fire blades and more.
There’s even a candystripe/rainbow blade effect (kids love it – don’t blame me when they follow you around at Halloween!)
Xeno features gesture controls, which can be enabled or disabled via the config file. It can even play music tracks, which you can load up on each individual sound font in their respective folders on the SD.
Pixel blade compatible sabers (Xeno, GH and Proffie) are not duelling capable however. If you want to duel, stick with simple, basic hilts, with EcoSwing installation only.
Please note this installation option is being phased out during 2023 with the newer Xeno3Pixel board taking over where ‘Xeno’ left off (see below)
Xeno3Pixel and Xeno3RGB represent two new installation options in the Xeno family; an evolution of the original Xenopixel soundboard.
Like the original Xeno, both the Xeno3Pixel and Xeno3RGB support multiple soundfonts, blade colour selection on the fly, realistic motion/impact sounds, gesture control and many, many other features.
The Xeno3 board can be configured to work with either Pixel style blades, or with an RGB LED (similar to the EcoSwing product). This means that we’ll be soon seeing Xeno3Pixel and Xeno3RGB installed sabers in our range, which has now all but replaced the original XenoPixel and EcoSwing options respectively.
The main difference with the new board, is that it supports accent swings (similar to Proffie and GHV3). This adds another layer of sound depth, which really improves the immersion you feel from swinging your saber. In addition, the Xeno3 options support basic bluetooth support.
Please remember that Pixel compatible saber installs aren’t built for duelling though – if you want to duel, either pick the EcoSwing option or opt for a Xeno3RGB installation.
Proffie v2.2 is probably the most powerful, most customisable soundboard for sabers ever made.
Like Xeno and GH, you can add more soundfonts to your saber, as well as customise the blade style to go with them – but there is a significant learning curve to editing a Proffie board.
Proffie installed sabers have the LEDs inside the blade as well – two strips of them back to back. These blades are referred to as ‘pixel blades, and feature in Xeno, GHV3 and Proffie installed products in our shop. This means you can get some very fancy blade effects happening, and you will get that awesome scrolling effect for ignition and retraction of the blade.
The blades can change colour, so you can pick almost any colour shade you want. Blade effects are almost limitless in their scope with customisation, though once again they are not a simple board to configure. Once you have learned the ropes though, you’ll be limited only by your imagination, programming skills (and RAM on the board!!)
Proffie features gesture controls, which can be enabled or disabled via the config. It can even play music tracks.
So why Proffie?
Like GHV3, Proffie features something called “accent swings”. These kick in when you swing the blade in a particular way, and are a special sound that plays over the regular swing to really enhance the immersion. Swing the saber harder or faster than usual, and you’ll hear the regular swing sound but also the accent swing underneath that.
The main reason to choose Proffie though, is the incredible amount of customisation you can do with it. Unlike GH and Xeno, which have particular constraints on blade styles and effects, you are really only limited by your imagination and programming ability with Proffie. There are plenty of resources online to help you develop blade styles though, so you don’t need to code them all from scratch yourself.
Pixel blade compatible sabers (Xeno, GH and Proffie) are not duelling capable however. If you want to duel, stick with simple, basic hilts, with EcoSwing or Xeno3RGB installation only.
Battle mode ramps up the gesture control on your saber, whilst simultaneously disabling some of the more regular controls in favour of gesture based versions.
For example, when in battle mode you can make the saber blade “lock up” by clashing and then keeping the saber stationary. You can make the saber play the “force push” sound by pushing the saber forward and holding it stationary for a second or two. If you stab the ground when battle mode is enabled, it will automatically enable the tipmelt effect. When you lift the saber off the ground, it will stop. Very cool! This isn’t the exhaustive list of functions, but you get the idea!
***Please note that while battle mode is enabled, the regular long switch hold to turn the blade off won’t function – you need to change the saber out of battle mode by triple clicking the switch, with the third click being a long hold; same way as turning BM on (so ‘click’, ‘click’, ‘hold’). The saber will beep when you do this, signalling that battle mode is now turned off.
In the newer Xeno boards, the SD card holder has been changed from a slide out style to a hinged style (if it looks like there’s no space to slide the card out, then you have one of the newer ones!)
This video here demonstrates how to remove the card.
All of our sabers have sound, and can be muted if required.
In addition, all of the sabers have MULTIPLE sound sets, or “soundfonts” – meaning that you can alter how the saber sounds. In the Proffieboard and XenoPixel based sabers, you can even add to the soundfonts built in.
With the newer Xeno3 RGB, you can finally add more sounds to a baselit saber too! You’ll need a class 10 or better blank SD, and make sure you email us with your order details so we can provide the default files for your SD. We even have a handy guide on Facebook showing you how to add more sounds to most install options!
Sound fonts are maybe best thought of as “sets” of sounds.
Each font has a unique ignition, hum, swing, clash and lockup sound.
So when you hear someone refer to a saber having 9 fonts, you have 9 unique sets, each with their own individual traits.
Please note these sound fonts are subject to change at any time
Serenity, The Second, Dark Ages, The DarkSword, The Dark Lord, The Fallen, The Count, The High Ground, Rage Knight, Princess, Scavenger, Emperor
Kylo, Rey, DarkSword, The Cunning Warrior, Darth Maul, Taron, Ben, Dark Rey, Tyranus, The Bold One, Darkness, The Return, Cal, Royalty, Rev, Star Killer, Acension, Rey 3, Rey 2, The Last, Luke, Codex of Light, Cyber Terror, Dark Ages, Hatred, Idyll, Serenity, The Champion, The Dark Lord Revisited, The Learner, The Second, The Teacher, Whispers of Power, Sailor
The Chosen, New Horizon, The Dark Sword, The Assassin, The Knight, Wanderer, The Protector, The Dark Empress, The Son, The Third Hunter, The Master, The Dark Lord Order, Fallen Apprentice Magenta, The Princess, The Butcher, Truly Lost, Wrait, The Senate, Redeemed, Bounty, The Count, Codex Of Light, Cyber Terror, Dark Ages, Hatred, Idyll, Serenity, The Champion, The Dark Lord Revisited, The Learner, The Second, The Teacher, Whispers of Power, Moonfiel
The Chosen, New Horizon, The Dark Sword, The Assassin, The Knight, Wanderer, The Protector, The Dark Empress, The Son, The Third Hunter, The Master, The Dark Lord Order, Fallen Apprentice Magenta, The Princess, Double Agent, Truly Lost
The list of soundfonts on GH is: Balance, Psy-Borg, Daddy Issues Complete, Guardian, Cryo Carbon, Peace, Violence, Son of Darkness, The Eternal Prince, The Phantom, The Shadow, Shadows, Dark Harvest, The Classic Villain, Energy Pike, Knighthood, KRossguard, Final Steps, Darksaber, Ascension, Crimson Menace, Traveler, Young Solo, Empress, Duke, The Bold One, Rogue Commander, Darkness, Graflex, Fallen Order, General, Dark Revan, Starkiller, Defiance, Rainbow, Codex of Light, Cyber Terror, Dark Ages, Hatred, Idyll, Serenity, The Champion, The Dark Lord Revisited, The Learner, The Second, The Teacher, Whispers of Power
PROFFIE (post July 2022 OS6.5+):
KRossguardv3, Final Steps, Dark Sword, Ascension, Maul, Wanderer, Ben, Empress, Count, The Bold One, Rogue commander, Darkness, Graflex, fallen, General, Dark, Starkiller, I am no Jedi, Codex of light, Cyber terror, Dark ages, Hatred, Idyll, Serenity, Mace, Dark lord revisited, Ezra, The Second, The Teacher, Whispers of power, Tsukino, Rainbow blade
We are based in Rosewood QLD, and stock all of our sabers and other products here. We do not drop ship from the factory.
The reason we do this, is so we can generally catch any potential quality control issues before they go out to you, our customers. We also make sure that the saber is packaged securely before sending it to you, and all of our products ship by Australia Post – insured and tracked.
Of course nothing is perfect, so we offer a one year warranty on electronic components with all of our sabers, just in case something fails.
Should something go wrong, simply message our Facebook page or email us at sales@aussabers.com.au
Please note we do not have a public shopfront, and unfortunately we do not have the capacity to accept drop in visits/pickups due to insurance limitations.
Sadly, we do not have a public shopfront. AusSabers is run out of my home and workshop, and we have no plans to establish a shopfront due to the costs – it would end up making our products more expensive and that’s not what we want!
Please note that we do not have the capacity to accept drop in visits/pickups due to insurance limitations.
We partner with LGT/Nexus in China, who manufacture the majority of the products we sell.
In addition to some of the Nexus catalogue of products, the owner of AusSabers designs many of the products we sell.
The AusSabers Incendius, Wanderer, Apprentice V2, Trainflex, Electris, Republic SE, Defender V2, Invictus, Hunter, The Light, Sentinel V2, Guardian, Forsaken, Fallen Ember, Consular, Oracle and The Path are the current range that makes up the ‘AusSabers Armoury’, and all of these are models that are uniquely built for AusSabers.
Recently, we have started to sell miscellaneous add ons and accessories for sabers from various other manufacturers.
We are proud to work closely with some other saber companies around the world – including Custom Darkwolf Sabers and VireSabers in the USA, and Argo Sabers in Canada.
We proudly offer speakers and belt clips provided by Smugglers Outpost and display mats and coasters from Afay Props and Replicas. We are always looking to expand on our range with these amazing companies, so please do drop us a line if you want to see something specific in the shop!
Finally, we have developed custom soundfonts with GreyScale Fonts and Ksith Saber Fonts in order to create a unique set of sounds for our own AusSabers hilt designs. These soundfonts will only be available preinstalled on certain unique saber models sold right here at AusSabers in Australia!
We do not make custom sabers or do saber conversions at this time.
Working with the best vendors and suppliers both locally and worldwide allows Aussabers to create breathtaking, high quality, feature rich custom sabers.